Sunday, November 4, 2012

Almost Over

I've been hammered, crushed, struggling, worried and victimized. I've been lied to, had promises broken and have had war declared on me.  And that is just in the last hour.

You can probably tell I have the television on and am being bombarded with endless political ads. If I were more gullible I might just have to go out and shoot myself.

Admittedly this is only the second presidential race I have paid close attention to, 2008 was the first, it was the 2006 Massachusetts Governor's race which enlightened me to politics, but it seems to me this has been an awfully negative political campaign, and it seems almost all of this negativity, the vicious attacks, are coming from the left.

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This election is probably the most important in any of our lifetimes. It will determine whether this country will continue on a path to mediocrity, becoming a second rate power and living under a "new world order" or a path back to being the greatest country in the world. A country where people can succeed without government help, without entitlement programs. Where people aren't kept in poverty by a government who is more concerned about winning elections through buying votes with free stuff and a country where there is real hope again.

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Mitt Romney is the person who will get this country back on track. We need a president with business experience, who has proven he can lead, not one who is more interested in the next golf game or meeting with celebrities, one who actually loves this country.

Here in Massachusetts there are other important races as well. The race for senator being one of them. We need to put Scott Brown back in office. Again, do you want someone like Brown who will actually return your phone calls and take action for you or Elizabeth Warren who has already said she will vote however the Democratic leadership tells her? Brown has proven himself to be an independent thinker, who does what he thinks is right for the state.

There are also several contested House seats as well. Here again it is time for change in Massachusetts, we need to send some new Massachusetts blood to Congress. We don't need another Kennedy, who, like Warren will be a puppet for the democrats.

And finally we need to vote no on Question 2. This is the bill which would allow physician assisted suicide but it has no controls to make sure it isn't abused. In fact it opens up the system for abuse. There are no controls, there is no requirement for family notification, there are no provisions for psychological evaluation of the patient. This is wrong and needs to be defeated.

Vote with your heads people. I you are only going to vote to "feel good" about your choice then stay home.

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