Sunday, October 28, 2012

The Storm of the Century

As I sit here at the little house on the lake, waiting for the storm of the century, I have to wonder about some of the things being said on the non-stop television coverage. Here they are in no particular order.

The Governor mentioned the last few storms of the century and the lack of response from the power companies. he has promised this time things will be better. If not, the utility companies will be fined. Governor, who do you think will eventually pay those fines?

The Governor has ordered the states non-essential employees to stay home. this number is about 70,000. does anyone else think there is a problem if we have 70,000 non-essential employees?

The Governor has suggested that private employers also ask there employees stay home. Isn't this a case of the state controlling private enterprise? Shouldn't the individual business owner make that decision?

If the power companies know we are going to have massive power outages, why wouldn't they have dones something before they occur?

I can understand why the stores are out of water, batteries and bread, but ice cream?

One weather person said their will be coastal flooding in southern Worcester county. Does anyone know exactly which towns in southern Worcester county are on the coast?

If the Governor speaks and no one listens is he still talking?

Is someone going to take Tiny Tim's keys away? We all know what happened after the last October storm.

Which Boston station will have the first reporter get blown over by a strong gust of wind?

Why is it the governor (all of them that I remember) wears some signature windbreaker or other weather gear when you know damn well he won't be leaving his warm, cozy bunker?

Watch out for dangerous flying projectiles in Boston. clear the streets!

Barack Obama has declared Massachusetts a disaster area, no word on New Jersey.

Stay safe my friends.

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