Operation Tree Party was an idea started by Jane Woodworth, one of the co-founders of the Sturbridge Tea Party who wanted to do something to help the victims of the June 1, 2011 tornado which hit our area. There were many organizations out there helping but none were concerned about replacing trees which were destroyed by the storm.
But a core group soldiered on, raised some money and helped provide trees to Brimfield, Southbridge and Charlton. (Sturbridge went and did their own thing). Now through it all there was one public, elected official who helped us all along the way, contray to what Kathleen Walker would like you to believe and that was Peter Durant. In fact I am trying to locate a picture which I do believe is out there of Peter actually working up a sweat as he helped us unload threes from a flat bed trailer truck on a Saturday morning. I don't recall seeing Kathleen Walker at this event, although I don't personally know her. However had she been, she would have seen Peter at this event.
Now, did Peter Durant do anything else to help tornado victims? I'll let others with more knowledge of that speak, but I certainly know what he did to help us (gave us contacts, made calls to the right people, unloaded a truck) and for Walker to say he did nothing is ridiculous and just plain wrong.
Kathleen Walker's closing statement at the Debate in Charlton was filled with Lies and Hatred. Why would anyone vote for someone who uses HATE SPEECH ?