Tuesday, October 2, 2012

And The Lies Continue

I suppose I could go over my same old arguments about how the majority of people have absolutely no idea what the tea party really is, but then why bother since I am convinced that most people are like sheep who believe what they are told by the mainstream media.

Since it's inception the tea party has suffered from a constant barrage on misconceptions and lies thrown at them from the left and the mainstream media and now it has reached the next level, the Democrats are using the tea party label against anyone they don't like.

Look at the latest campaign ad John Tierney is using against his challenger Richard Tisei where he brands Tisei as a tea party extremist. What exactly is a tea party extremist anyway? And even if Tisei is a tea party extremist, which he isn't, is this better than having a guy who claims he  had no knowledge of his wife laundering money for her family's illegal gambling operation?

As pointed out in this article in Politico Tisei is an openly gay, pro-choice candidate, which according to the MSM would automatically disqualify him from tea party membership wouldn't it? After all aren't we all racists, homophobic, pro-life, woman hating, tax cutting morons?

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This is just another case of the elitist left trying to paint anyone who disagrees with them as wrong and no matter what they do it is okay. Believing everyone else is stupid, they think we will believe that Tierney didn't know his wife was laundering money. They really think we believe that John Kerry didn't know he was supposed to pay taxes on his boat. They really think we will believe Joe Kennedy the third is hoping to get elected because of his name. They really think we will believe that Elizabeth Warren cares about the middle class.

Unfortunately for us, their probably are enough people out there that will believe this and these people will get elected. God help us all.

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