Wednesday, August 24, 2011

With all due respect, Mayor O'Brien is full of

I’m thinking of picking up and moving to Worcester. Why would I want to leave my little house on the lake and move to a city? It isn’t for the noise, or the people, or the lure of living in a three decker, nope, it’s for one reason and one reason only, so I can vote the Mayor out of office.

Today on the “WCRN morning News with Hank Stolz” the Mayor of Worcester once again graced the listening audience with his insightful commentary on current affairs. Today’s subject was the recent death of a 23 year old Milford man who was run over by a drunk driver, who also happens to be an illegal immigrant. Previously the Mayor has stated he was against the “Secure Communities Act” and he hasn’t changed his stance. Instead he spouted out the same left wing ignorance on the subject, claiming the City of Worcester doesn’t have the resources to implement this program.
Unless I have been given the wrong information about secure communities, all that is required of the city or any police department is that when they arrest someone for a felony they add one step to the current process of sending the arrested person’s fingerprints to ICE. That’s it. If someone out there can dispute that please send me proof. Until such time, I how many resources are needed to do this? You push a button on the computer which sends it electronically and that is it.

But Mayor O'Brien continues to use the same, tired argument about racial profiling and the city police don’t have the resources (yes, he used the word resources about 25 times) to spend doing the Feds job in looking for illegals. Mayor, read the act. When the police arrest someone for a felony, and only then, do they send off the prints. They are not looking for illegals, they are being dropped in their laps. There is no racial profiling involved here. Racial profiling would be if the police did what the Mayor seems to think they are going to do, drive around picking up people of a certain race or ethnicity for no reason and then sending their finger prints off to Washington. He is wrong.

Then of course there is the Mayor’s argument about how any person from a certain race will no longer cooperate with the police because they will be afraid that they will be deported. First if they are here legally they won’t be deported, and second, I am pretty certain that if you were to ask those who are here legally, they would more than likely want the illegals gone. They are draining the resources needed for the legal immigrants the same as they are draining the resources of the citizens of this country.

I find it interesting how a few weeks ago this same Mayor was defending the ban of cigarette sales from stores in Worcester because he wants to protect the children and if he could save just one life it would be worth it. What about the life of this 23 year old man from Milford? How is his life different? 

1 comment:

  1. This is the same mayor that wants to raise our state income tax to 6% so that we all pay our "fair" share. This is also the same mayor that picketed with the union workers at St. Vincents during their strike a few months ago. Tell me how that looks for the city. It's a good thing the city manager doesn't have his head up his butt because if it were up to Mayor O'Brien the only people that would live in that city are the "underprivileged" and he would like everybody else to pay for them.


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