Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Tea party movement needs to stay the course

According to Barack Obama it is. And Harry Reid concurs. And Joe Biden thinks they are terrorists, which is interesting in and of itself since he won't call real terrorists, terrorists. I think come November 2012, they just might be in for a surprise. It seems as the campaign heats up, so is the anti-tea party rhetoric. BO was asked about Biden's comments and wouldn't give an answer. Mr. Reid, says the tea party is only a result of the terrible economy which of course he neglects to mention the terrible economy is a result in no small part to his boss' actions (or inaction depending on your point of view). 

But this could be good news, after all as long as Obama is in charge, the economy probably won't get better so the tea party will be around for at least two years more. Actually, this just shows how the left doesn't understand the tea party. They have no idea what we are about, they have no idea what we are trying to accomplish, and more importantly, they have no idea how to stop it.

What we have to remember, is to not let them get to us. They can call us all kinds of names, attack us, whatever they want, and we just need to do exactly what we are dong now, let it slide off of us and stay focused. 

Contrary to what the left keeps saying, there are more of us than there are of them. Besides those of us who aren't afraid to identify ourselves as tea party members, there are many people out there who are listening to what we have to say, and who agree with our principles. These are the people we need to continue to keep under our banner until the elections in 2012. They will help us in the long process ahead, that of getting our country back to being the greatest 

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