Saturday, August 13, 2011

Rhode Island tea party splits

I came across an article today about a new group which has formed in Rhode Island, the Ocean State Tea Party in Action. Evidently this is some kind of splinter group from the Rhode Island Tea Party, and they want to focus at the state level. I am not surprised.

I tend to think any group once it reaches a certain point is bound to split and go into different directions. I know in my case, I have always felt the tea party movement should be more local than it is, not that being national is a bad thing. I can't speak for this group, but I have written before about tea party groups which seem to have, what I at least, have felt the focus of the movement should be.
Crashing the Tea Party: Mass Media and the Campaign to Remake American Politics
You can order this
book from Amazon here

For example, I have never been comfortable with the tea party movement endorsing or even sponsoring candidates. Same goes for getting involved in "social" issues, this shouldn't be the place of the movement. Instead it should be about spreading our message of fiscal responsibility, smaller government, individual responsibility and strict constitutionalism. And what better place to start then at the local level?

One of the problems we have to avoid as we grow, is to actually become what our detractors already call us, a political party, with a platform and candidates. Once that happens we are no different and no better than the Democrats and the Republicans. What makes us great is our individuality and our independence. I don't know  why this group split from the RI group, I can only speculate, but I certainly wish them luck.

I have a feeling we may see more of this in the future.

Read more on the Ocean State Tea Party in Action  here.

1 comment:

  1. Dude! And you didn't like the Greater Southbridge Tea Party?! We focus on local issues! We're fiscally conservative & we're eating the elephant one bite at a time. You boob! ;)


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