Friday, August 5, 2011

Beyond our control or not

On the WCRN Morning News with Hank Stolz this morning, a caller, Patrick, talked about how we worry too much about things like the stock market crashing, etc. and he is right, sort of. His point was there are more important things, more personal things to worry about. The thing he should have added was why worry about things we can’t control?

Think about it, can anyone of us really control the Dow? If, like me, what little money you have in a 401K is stuck there because you can’t pay the penalties to take it out, you can’t do anything about it anyway. So why worry about it? Admittedly I never quite understood the stock market anyway, other than if it goes up that’s good, if it goes down it’s bad, but other than that, I couldn’t tell you much else about it.

Instead the things that bother me are the fact that unemployment is out of control, food prices are going higher and higher, gas is $3.79 a gallon and my house isn’t worth what I owe on it. But even these things, I can’t control very much. Other than one thing. That one thing? Vote for change, advocate change, hold our elected officials responsible for what they do.

I have advocated this since I started writing, it all starts at the local level and works up. If you have a local official, a city councilor or a selectperson who doesn’t do what he or she says, or votes to spend more money than we have, vote them out. And do the same thing at the state and federal levels. Show them you mean business. Let them know they work for us, not us for them.

We in the tea party, with all the names we are called, are more powerful than they are. Why? Because we are right for one thing. Also, and I could be wrong, but there are many more people, who don’t, and may never, identify themselves as being on our side, but who agree with us and will vote for change. I think it was Nixon who coined the term “Silent majority” back in the late sixties or early seventies, those are the people who will make the changes in this country. In fact I think most of us in the tea party movement were that same silent majority back then.

Let them call us names, if it makes them feel good about themselves that’s fine, but remain focused on what we are doing. On the same show this morning another caller, Matt, said he is tired of being called names because he really isn’t a bad of a guy, and having met matt, I agree, so let’s stick to the issues. This is what the left especially, but also some on the right, tend to not do, they make the arguments all about personalities. And the issues get lost in the rhetoric and name calling. Is it wrong when the Vice president calls the tea party terrorists? Yes. But will he do it again? Yes. We won’t change that, so don’t let it bother us, and we will rise above that and those who spew the hate, and we will make the changes we need to make. 

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see that some one was listening. I hope I didn't sound too whinny. The name calling is a distraction. Stay Focused my friend.


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