Are we ready for a preacher president? Is this what we would get with Texas Governor Rick Perry? Yesterday he led a prayer event in Texas attended by about 30,000 people, which has been compared to a camp meeting. There were also the usual complaints on whether this event violated the first amendment and the "separation of church and state" which we all know isn't part of the first amendment or the Constitution. My question is "Would this be too much for a President, holding camp meetings etc.?"
Perry has done good things in Texas. The Texas economy is growing, he has created more jobs than the rest of the country, he seems to be making the right moves with the budget, as evidenced by the fact the teachers are p.o.'ed. But are we ready for someone who just might preach to us from the White House?
I am not saying we don't need religion or Christianity in the White House, in fact we probably need it more than anything right now. But what scares me is how many others, won't look at it that way. We know the left will hammer Perry about this if he decides to run, it is no secret Progressives are anti-religion and would prefer no one actually believe in God. After all if people have a conscience and believe in things like the Ten Commandments or the Golden Rule, their whole system will collapse.
It's the others I worry about, those on the fence for lack of a better term, will Perry's religious views dissuade them from voting for him? I remember way back when I was just a young, uninformed lad, and the Reverend Jesse Jackson was running for President. Forgetting all the obvious flaws of the man, I remember my father saying to me that he would never get elected, not because of his skin color, not becasue of his views, but becasue he sounded like a preacher, and as my father so aptly stated "People will never elect someone who sounds like a holy-roller".
Has any thing changed sine 1984 and 1988 when he ran? Have enough people changed their minds? Is the time finally right for a "Holy Roller" to be nominated and to win? Only time will tell
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