Tuesday, May 3, 2011

A Cold Day in Hall, Town Hall That is

Hear Ye, Hear Ye, all you Sturbridge residents out there. I know you have all heard Jane and I expound on our extreme displeasure with our town spending money on those nice new brick sidewalks down on the Town Common. And perhaps you have even heard about the front door at our remodeled Town hall which the public can no longer access, and I believe I mentioned perhaps we could have used the money spent on the sidewalks for the door. (Okay, I know it was probably not transferable, I get it) So what do I hear on Sunday from a usually reliable source who hates to spend any more money than he absolutely has to?

It seems when they remodeled the Town Hall, basically stripping it right down to the bones, that when the rebuilt it, they neglected to put insulation in it. Because of this the heating system may not be working quite as efficiently as it could. Now again, this isn't an official source, but when you live in Sturbridge, or I suppose any similar size or smaller town, you know there are some people who usually have their ears to the ground on this type of thing.

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So, why, since the building was stripped down to the bare walls, would they have not insulated it? Even if the building wasn't stripped down, could they not have blown in insulation from the inside? This is the problem I have with this, did we not have a Clerk of the Works or a Building Inspector or Town Engineer, someone who could and should have picked upon this?

When we as Tea Party members talk about fiscal responsibility, I think this fits the bill for fiscal irresponsibility.  I don't know why there isn't insulation in the Town Hall, and like I said, maybe I am wrong, in which case I will certainly feel pretty stupid after the thousands upon thousands of people who read this find out there is, but these are the things we, as members of the Tea Party need to be aware of.

Some of us remember when we were younger, someone, probably the Hippies, saying "Question Authority", it is time for us to begin doing this again.

Feel free to comment and send this to your friends, well unless I am wrong, then don't.

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