Wednesday, May 11, 2011

It's A New World Out There

Well, it's finally over and Peter Durant has officially won. I know, he hasn't been sworn in yet, and this is Massachusetts but it looks good. First I want to congratulate Peter on his win, he worked hard and through it all he kept smiling and stayed positive. Now let's hope he goes to Beacon Hill and makes a difference.

So what does this election tell us anyway? I wrote one analysis already but I want to expand some on it here because that's what I do. We got a lot of grief over the last month or so, being linked to the infamous sign in Southbridge, being called all the usual names by people who have absolutely no clue what we are about and being forced to change our meeting locations by ignorant people who know no other way to get things done except by using bullying tactics. But it's all good.

Here is what the Democrats, Progressives and Liberal Left don't seem to understand. It is a changing world out there. The old tactics are just that - old. People have caught on and see through the BS. Central Massachusetts is no longer the Democratic stronghold it used to be. The Democratic machine tried all the tricks in the book, they stole the first election but this time they got beat. If you look at the numbers, Alicea only won Southbridge. Why? Because Southbridge is filled with the typical Democratic voter. Unfortunately for Alicea, the rest of the district is not.

The rest of the district is filled with people who are tired of the same old politics as usual on Beacon Hill. They are tired of the Democratic machine and their dirty tricks. They are tired of the public service unions trying to bully the people who pay their salaries around. They are tired of paying higher and higher taxes to support others. This started with the election of Scott Brown. Where did he win the election? It wasn't in the cities, it was in the small towns where the taxpayers live. The same thing happened in November. Republicans won several statehouse seats in Central MA. In the second US Congressional district, Republican Tom Wesley came very close to winning, he was beat in the city of Springfield, he couldn't overcome the "Vote Democratic and get more money" vote.

You can beat on the tea party movement. You can call us names, you can try to bully us. But what you can't beat is the truth, nor can you beat those with "right" on their side. Common sense is what we are about.

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