Tuesday, May 24, 2011

All This Time I had It Wrong

I admit I don’t watch a whole lot of MSNBC, not for any other reason that being a poor Conservative who receives no assistance from anyone, I can’t afford the extra fee for the extra package to which MSNBC belongs. However, last night I had the pleasure of spending some time at my son’s house and was blessed with the ability to peruse it for a short time.

Now I admit I watch Fox News, because that is one of the channels I do get, and say what you want about whether or not Fox is biased or not, even though studies show it is not, at least when they have someone identified as a Democrat of Liberal they espouse (big word of the day) the party line. Not so on MSNBC.  Yesterday I had someone who called himself a Conservative actually say “My fellow Conservatives have to realize they are going to half to vote for tax increases if they want the big government they have.”

Ok, now I admit, I am a tad bit new at this whole right – left, liberal – conservative, Republican – Democrat thing, but the last time I checked the last thing anyone I know who claims to be a conservative wants if more or bigger government. No, I don’t remember who this guy was, after choking on my cold frosty beverage I couldn’t focus.

Now this got me to thinking, which more often or not gets me into some kind of trouble. Are there really any people who consider themselves true conservatives really for bigger and more government, and higher taxes besides? Do I have the wrong label attached to me? But admittedly after listening to this guy, I can see why me and the other 200 or so MSNBC viewers would get the wrong impression about conservatives. This must be why they get these glazed over looks anytime they get in a discussion with a conservative who says they are for smaller government. They can’t understand it, after all didn’t MSNBC tell them conservatives want big government?

I guess I just need to spend more time at my son’s house so I can learn what I really need to know about my political views, and here to think I was wrong all this time. Either that or have some more of those cold frosty beverages.


  1. MSNBC is the uncontested worst "news" organization in America. Most left-wing journalists are unaware of their bias but those who work for MSNBC revel in disseminating propaganda. We can definitely learn their tactics and uses them against the progressive movement. Let us start by always referring to James O'Keefe as a "liberal Investigative Journalist."

  2. MSNBC is the worst but CNN isn't far behind. I gave up on them after GB moved to Fox. Especially since their broadcast of the 9/11/2009 coast guard exercise. They kept on harping about the insensitivity of the excercise but missed out on the bigger picture, lack of inter agency communication. Homeland Defense which was created for this very reason was in the dark and didn't now. NONE of the multi agencies in charge of protecting the Potamac River, FBI, CIA, Homeland Defense, knew about the planned Coast Guard excercise. CNN completely missed this significant communication gaff !
    BTW : FOX got it right!


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