Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Was This The Spark

It seems that I may have started a little problem this week. You see I wrote a letter to the local paper about the whole "Showing ID to Vote" issue over in Southbridge and how it seems to have ruffled some feathers. this is all part of the whole Alicea - Durant special election where there are some who think there have been some funny things going on. Well, the group I belong to, the Sturbridge Tea Party, you know us white, racist, bigot, trailer trash people usually meets at one of the local banks in their community room, which they have been letting local civic groups use for some time now, has been told we can no longer meet there due to pressure form the local Southbridge Hispanic community. I don't blame the bank at all, let me get that straight, they have to do what they have to do, but it sure is interesting how the local lefties seem to have a problem with the First Amendment now doesn't it?

Here is the letter:
To the Editor:
With all the recent discussion about asking voters to voluntarily show their ID to vote I have to wonder why people would be against it. After all, we are required to show an ID when we cash a check, buy alcohol, purchase cigarettes or numerous other functions in our lives.
The right to vote is one of the greatest privileges we have in this country, guaranteed by the United States Constitution. Voting is what Democracy and Republicanism is all about. Ensuring the integrity of the vote should be a first priority in any election, no matter how small. In fact, in the November election, it can be argued the only reason after the recounts the Sixth Worcester representative race ended in a tie was due to the one gentleman who testified in court that he went to vote and there was a problem regarding whether or not he was registered. He left without being given a provisional ballot and no one remembered him. If he had been required to show an ID, he would have more than likely have been remembered by the poll workers.
There seems to be some who believe asking to see an ID is somehow an imposition on the individual. There is the claim that some people cannot get ID’s such as the poor, elderly and non-English speaking citizens. The State of Massachusetts will provide anyone with an official state identification to any who requires one. In fact it is probably more convenient for a resident of Southbridge to get to the Registry to obtain an ID then it is for them to get to the Community Center to vote. The argument that ID’s are not easily obtained just does not hold up.
More importantly, with the current Democratic party throughout the country complaining about how the Republicans have committed voter fraud, this as recently as last week with the WI Supreme Court Justice race,  I would think Democrats especially would want to insure the integrity of the vote. Yet, they continue to fight it. It has to make you wonder what they are afraid of.
For whatever reason, the Town Manager and the Town Clerk seem to think this is some kind of personal vendetta against them and the town, I don’t think it is. The Tea Party and the two other groups involved in this process only wish to make sure every vote is counted and there is no fraud. The only reason the Sixth Worcester district is being “targeted” is because it is the first state election since November. This is both a statewide and nationwide program. It is not targeting Southbridge because of its Hispanic population. I personally had an experience in November at my voting place when they had me checked off as having already voted when I had not. While I know where they made the mistake which was an honest one, what disturbed me most was I was not even asked for an ID to prove I was who I said I was. Again, shouldn’t the integrity of the vote be foremost in any election?
And it also seems there is some who believe the now infamous billboard location was selected for some nefarious reason, when the truth is this was the only billboard (of which there are not many) available in Southbridge.
While this letter is not to discuss the Tea Party specifically, it is time people realize the Tea party is not a racist organization nor is it an arm of the Republican Party. While there are some Republicans who claim they are the “leaders” of the Tea Party, there is no leader as the Tea Party is not a political party with a party structure. I can only invite people to attend a meeting of any of the local tea parties, there are many around including Sturbridge, Webster- Dudley, Spencer and the Brookfields, Leicester and Worcester. These meetings are open to all, I would suggest you attend one and then you can come to your own conclusions. 
Now I don't know if my letter had anything to do with it or not, but humor me and make me feel good. It sure seems strange though.

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