Thursday, May 2, 2013

Another Election Another Loss

Once again the Massachusetts Republican Party has lost an election. Oh, I know, the actual election is in June, but for all intents and purposes it is over.

The Democratic machine will roll over Gabriel Gomez and once again the Massachusetts Republican Party leadership will wring their hands, wonder what went wrong, and do the same thing the next time, complain that they need to find a candidate more likable to Democratic voters. This is the wrong strategy, hasn't worked and won't work.

I've written on this blog before and will again I'm sure, that this isn't the answer. Two years or so ago, I said that we need to develop true, Republican candidates. We need to start at the local level, finding candidates who are truly conservatives. Whether it starts with electing someone on the local school committee, Board of Selectman or City Council, this is where the message needs to start. This is where the Shauna O'Connell's come from.

Had we done this two election cycle ago, we would have candidates who are ready to move up, whether to the state level or to the national level. They would have track records and would have been able to let people  see what they can and will do. All politics starts at the local level. This is the AA leagues, where tomorrows stars are groomed.

But instead we nominate people like Gomez who has supported Democrats throughout his "career". According to Kirsten Hughes, the Massachusetts Republican Party chairperson:
Now is the time for all Massachusetts Republicans and like-minded independents to unite with a single voice and purpose. Together, we can elect the only candidate in this race who will bring a strong record on national security and fiscal sanity to Washington D.C - From an Email I received
 What record? Oh I know, he was a Navy Seal.

So, once again we will lose another chance to put a conservative into office. Waste our time and money on people who have no chance. But this is Massachusetts after all. I know I won't be doing anything to support Gomez, I don't have the time, energy or money to do so. As for the rest of you, well, it's up to you.


  1. What you say is true... However as you say we live in Massachusetts.. So we know that it is predominately filled with democrats.. On the other hand, if all the republicans came out in the presidential election we may not have Obama in the White House.. Gomez would certainly be better than Markey.. At least in name he considers himself a republican..Republicans should vote.. republican.. Just like democrats come out and vote democrat.. They, (Many of them)don't even know who the democrat is before they enter the long as there is a D beside the name, that's who they vote for..Certainly Gomez is a liberal republican.. But we know how very liberal Markey is too..Gomez is a better choice.. We should all vote..

    1. Yes, we should all vote, however I disagree with your comment that because this is Massachusetts we should vote for someone like Gomez, who is a RINO, if that.

      We continue to put up candidates who try to please more Dems than Reps, whether for the Senate, House or President. Mitt Romney wasn't a real Republican, Scott Brown basically ran as a Democrat, and what happens we lose.

      We need to cultivate republicans starting at the local level if we are ever to change the way things are here in Mass and nationally. Unless it is already to late.

  2. The democratic machine is going to eat him for lunch, being a "navy seal" is admirable, but it doesn't put you in the senate. The only interesting thing to me is, the demographic break down on WHO voted for him in the primary. Is it his hispanic heritage? Not the "business as usual approach? He seemed uncomfortable in his soundbite, soft sell debates. With Markey, he will be in the lions den. It is disapointing to say the least.

  3. Gabriel Gomez is Scott Brown Lite and not the person I saw as the best Republican candidate.
    However, I will not stay home on voting day. I'm not going to help annoit ED MARKEY by doing that. I will hold my nose and vote for the so call Republican on the ballot as I want to beat E.D. I suggest that all patriots out there think what life will be like with E.D. and go vote against it.

  4. I agree with who you would like to see and how they would get there infact if you have one of those on the ballot I would vote for him. But since you don't you have to vote against E.D.
    stop him! stop his voting record as seen here! -

    truly an election of the lesser weasel.
    Go Gomez with as much as the 35% agreement I can muster. 35% is still better than 0%

  5. I'd rather be an optimist. If we have a shot at getting a middle of the road Republican in the senate instead of the stereotypical m"AH"key and all his hack friends, I'd still consider it to be a worthy effort to support Gomez with all we can muster.
    Mike Young

  6. Things to ponder: 1) I worked election day in precinct 2 (my district in Sturbridge) checking out people after they voted. Within my district, the amount of Democrat and Republican votes were almost equal. Considering that Sturbridge has many more registered Democrats than Republicans, I was very proud of that. Overall, about 13% of registered voters voted for a total of 863 votes. Of that total, Mr. Gomez received 23% of all votes. Of the 863 total, 41% were Republican ballots and 59% were Democrat ballots. In regards to just the Republican ballots, Mr. Gomez received 55% of the vote, more than Mr. Sullivan and Mr. Winslow combined! 2) Why could Gomez win? And I believe he can. He is an outsider. He is a fresh face. He appeals to a larger audience. He speaks Spanish! His parents are 1st generation immigrants from Columbia. His family is an example of the true American dream. Regarding Markey, he is a typical Washington Democrat. Many of the things he is running on are things he should have addressed a long time ago. He appears arrogant. He stands for things that even strong Democrats do not stand for. Mr. Gomez needs to capitalize on that. I am optimistic. Did I vote for him? No. Will I support Gabriel Gomez? Absolutely!

    1. Those are interesting numbers, but how about if we look at other results in places like Worcester, Springfield, Boston or even next door in Southbridge? The Democrats won't lose this election like they did the Brown/
      Coakley election, they were caught be surprise and won't be again.

      If Gomez is going to win, he is going to have to attack, attack, attack, and I honestly don't think he will be do that. Like Brown did in November, he will run more as a Democrat than a Republican so why would an Democrats switch?


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