Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Are You Serious

Some times you just need to shake your head and wonder about Massachusetts Republicans. It's bad enough Gabriel Gomez is running against the Ed Markey democrat controlled machine, but now this...

According to the Boston Herald:
U.S. Senate Republican candidate Gabriel Gomez thumbed his nose at Newt Gingrich’s advice and is 
embracing the GOP party, rather than running away from it, and plans to campaign with U.S. Sen. John 
McCain in the Bay State next week.
John McCain? Really?  Is this really the guy you want campaigning for you? Who's next, Mitt Romney?

Democratic US Representative Edward Markey, left, is in a close race against Republican Gabriel E. Gomez.
Boston Globe Photos
Yes, I voted for McCain and I voted for Romney, because as lousy of a choice they were, they were still better than what we got, not much but better. Instead of them we got a guy who makes Richard Nixon look like an amateur. We have cover-ups, wire-taps, enemies lists and targeted IRS audits. Sure reminds one of the good old days doesn't it?

I admit, I don't know much about Gomez. I've looked at his website, read the BS but nothing excites me about him. I get that he is an ex-Navy Seal. I get that his parents immigrated here from Columbia, but what I don't see is him attacking Markey. We all know Markey is nothing but a career politician who is as far left as it gets. When is Gomez going to challenge him on some of the things Markey has done which have hurt the country? Things like the mishandling of the economy by the Obama administration, or the wasting of millions of dollars on failed "green" energy projects and about his support for more business busting environmental regulations. When will he ask Markey about Obamacare or the failed stimulus project? When will he ask Markey about ... well anything?

I guess we'll have to wait for the debates to see if he calls out Markey, Until then, McCain? Really?


  1. Gomez is a rookie..and has been found a little less than honest about his support for the current administration, he doesn't stand a chance against the sycophant Obama lackey in this one party state. On June 30th I will say I told you so.

  2. Gomez is no Scott Brown. He is not nearly as good in debates and he doesn’t have the fundraising power Brown had. There is also the factor that this year is a more Democratic friendly year when compared to the Tea Party year of 2010. President Obama is pretty popular right now when compared to the popularity of the Republican Party and he is extremely popular when compared to the Tea Party. Realclearpolitics is showing Markey up by 10 points on average, right now this race is Markey's to lose and I don't think he has taken this race lightly

  3. Democratic friendly ?? IRS LITE ??? Friendly to who ?
    Obama is not popular! in fact he is losing to Bush in disaster reaction polls - A Public Policy Polling survey in mid-June had 50 percent of Louisiana voters, including 31 percent of Democrats, rating Mr. Bush’s response to Katrina higher than Mr. Obama’s to the spill, compared with 35 percent who said Mr. Obama had been doing better.
    Malarky is Malarky any way you look at him. Vote for Change vote Gomez


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