Monday, March 28, 2011

Clarify, clarify, clarify

Tonight we will finally hear what President Obama has to say about the action in Libya. You know the place we have been shooting missiles into and dropping bombs onto but we aren’t at war with.  The same place where our leader told us the American people that we were volunteered by NATO to perform these actions. He has stated he will “clarify” our position.

Libya: From Colony to Independence (Oneworld Short Histories)
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Of course when one clarifies something it usually means they will be following up on a mis-understanding caused by an earlier explanation they made. Of course our president hasn’t really given us an explanation to clarify. This is another example where he feels the need to show how much superior his intelligence is to the rest of us and therefore he needs to explain things to us, like the children he believes we are.

NATO: In Search of a Vision
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So I have to wonder if he will clarify the fact that he has once again ignored the Constitution by going to war without it being declared by Congress, yes just as George Bush did. As we Tea partiers know, nowhere in the Constitution does the chief executive have the power to enter into war with anyone. I am sure he will come up with some explanation, doing a song and dance around it by calling it something other than it is, after all we can’t call a terrorist act a terrorist act, why should we call a war a war. Oops, is “doing a song and dance a racial slur”? We must be careful these days.

Anyway, we will certainly have to tune in tonight to see exactly what Obama has to tell us. I am sure after the mainstream media clarifies the clarification everything will be as “Clear as Mud”.

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