Thursday, March 10, 2011

One man's opinion on the local tea party movement

Every once in awhile I feel the need to explain my opinion on what I feel the Tea Party movement is all about. I am also asked by many people that same question. Most people who are not involved in the tea party movement only know about it from what they read and hear about it in the mainstream media which is not always accurate. Obviously the latest is the clip being shown of Schiller from NPR calling us gun-toting racists.
Our opponents don't understand us and therefore can't figure us out. Because Progressives can't think out of their little box, in their minds everything has to fit in that box. For example, every group has to have a leader and a platform. Political parties have always had these and therefore the Tea party needs one as well. The thing they don't understand is the tea party movement is not a political party, at least not in the historical sense, therefore they have neither a platform or a leader.
Mad As Hell: How the Tea Party Movement Is Fundamentally Remaking Our Two-Party System
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True there are some out there who claim they are the leader of the party and they speak for us, but we at the local level know this just isn't the case. Each group is independently run, by more than one person. While we all agree with the core principles of the movement, we all have different ideas of what the movement should be. or example, here in Massachusetts, some groups will endorse candidates while others won't, In Sturbridge, we have agreed to listen to all and while we will share what we learn about each and only say whether we feel they agree with the tea party principles or not.

That's No Angry Mob, That's My Mom: Team Obama's Assault on Tea-Party, Talk-Radio Americans
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There is sometimes a difference of opinion between groups on whether we should be involved more on the local level of politics (community) or the state or national level. While I personally believe we need to be involved at all levels, the Sturbridge tea party feels we should emphasize the local level most, because we believe this is where the true change will begin. It took a long time for the country to get into the mess it is in, it will take a long time to get out. Over the course of many years, politicians have been corrupted by power and the culture of Washington, these bad habits will be hard to reverse, but if we start at the local level, such things as fiscal responsibility, small government and a strict interpretation of the Constitution will be ingrained in office holders from the start. 

That being said, some groups have their own ideas even at the local level. In Sturbridge, we believe educating the public is where it begins, but education doesn't mean conducting a smear campaign against any incumbent or candidate as sometimes seems to be happen.

If you have an opinion on what the tea party is or should be, please feel free to comment below or email us at, I would love to hear from you, and you could even write a post here if that be your thing.

1 comment:

  1. Every member's belief about the Tea Party Movement is as valid as any other member's belief. I would say that we seek to fulfill the promise of our founding documents, we seek to create a government as a do it yourself project, guided by the highest principles, enacted by all of us, for all of us. How we will achieve this, I believe, is by driving out the "professionals" in government and replacing them with average Americans; the common man, seems to know so much more about right or wrong then all the policy wonks in Washington.


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