Now let me start out by saying I am not a “gun nut”. I do not own guns, I do not use guns, but I do believe in the second amendment
of our Constitution, you know the one that says:
“A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”
And I suppose this story really isn’t about second amendment rights, but in many ways it is scary.
It seems one of our esteemed Massachusetts State Senators, Andrew Petruccelli, You guess which party affiliation, wants to reintroduce a bill establishing a commission to study the feasibility of requiring all Massachusetts gun owners to place a GPS device on their guns. I am not even going to get into the fact that our state legislator has many other things to be worried about other than this, like, oh the budget deficit, unemployment, high taxes, etc. as I don’t see this as the most important issue. What is more important in my mind anyway, is the fact they will infringe a gun owners privacy be being able to track him, or at least his guns, wherever they go.
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What’s next? Will we attach GPS to all automobiles to see how much driving they do in state and out of state so we can be charged some type of road use tax? Oh, wait, I think our Governor already has suggested that. Maybe they will require us to put a microchip in our pets to make sure they only stay in the town they are licensed in, and if they stray, each town they visit will send us a bill? Maybe they will install GPS devices on our cars to make sure we drive the shortest, most cost efficient route to wherever we go? Or if we drive someplace which is served by the Obama High Speed rail, we will be charged a fee for that.
In all seriousness, here is the issue. Why does the Government feel the need to track where guns are? Do they honestly believe that licensed gun owners, who dutifully register their guns are going to use them for illegal purposes? Or perhaps a better question is do they honestly believe that the people who will use these guns for illegal purposes will either buy them legally or not find a way to disable the chip? I do think this, if they know where to find the legal guns, they can take them away that much easier.
In my opinion, this is one more case where the Progressives are taking away our freedoms, one small piece at a time. They want to control everything we do, and the way they go about doing it is one small step at a time. The condition us to accept a small loss of freedom here and then another there and pretty soon we are nothing but a compliant, dependent bunch of people. Some can argue we are there already.
Here is the link to Senator Petruccelli's website with his phone number and email. Please feel free to let him know how you feel.
This blog post is the opinion of the author and does not necessarily represent the views of all members of the Sturbridge Tea Party, but please feel free to comment to let us know your views.
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