According to a report in The Daily Caller the federal government is requiring school principals to instruct their teachers to spy on their students by monitoring the students Facebook pages, both while they are in school and when they are out of school. The governments reasoning? School bullying. All parents should be outraged at this invasion of privacy. But then this kind of action should not surprise anyone who is familiar with the tactics of the progressive left. This is just another way of them trying to gain control of society, turning it into a virtual police state. Dare I say just as the Nazi’s did when they indoctrinated children at a very early age into the National Socialist Party
’s beliefs?
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The second thing which is wrong about this is, if we allow this, this is one more small step towards the ultimate goal, that of watching and controlling everyone’s actions. The left believes if they can get the children to accept this invasion of privacy, they can use the argument that they are already doing it with the kids, therefore they can do it with everyone. In addition, as with all the healthy eating initiatives etc. if they can indoctrinate the children into accepting these kinds of actions, they will accept them as they get older.
And what if an individual school or school district refuses to implement this policy? The government is threatening lawsuits of those schools which do not comply.
This is another way for the federal government to gain control of local schools, taking more power away from state and local governments. In other words, big government running amok. We should not accept this from our government, and is just one more reason we need real hope and change in 2012.
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