Sunday, October 28, 2012

The Storm of the Century

As I sit here at the little house on the lake, waiting for the storm of the century, I have to wonder about some of the things being said on the non-stop television coverage. Here they are in no particular order.

Saturday, October 20, 2012


I thught I would post this press release I received from the Mass Republican Party just in case any of those Elizabeth Warren supporters would like to see who their girls friends are.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Easy Choices Come November

Things are heating up in the political as we get closer to the November 6 elections. While here in Sturbridge there are no state races, right next door in Southbridge there is a contest for the Sixth Worcester District between incumbent Peter Durant (R-Spencer) and Kathleen Walker (D-Charlton).

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Remember Operation Tree Party

How many of you remember Operation Tree Party? Probably not a whole lot of people since the left decided to politicize it, but let me refresh your collective memories.

It's Not Just About Obama/Romney

Many in the tea party movement have seemed to forgotten all about local races, whether state wide or national. In 2010, almost every US Congress seat in Massachusetts was contested. True, we didn't win, but we certainly came closer than anyone would have thought. Why wasn't there ANY challengers in some of the districts? Is anyone running against McGovern, Neal? And how much do we really hear about the races which are contested? We hear plenty on Brown/warren (more on this later) but do we hear about Bielat/Kennedy? Tierny/Tisei? Tsongas/ and whoever is running against her? 

As we inch closer and closer to election day, once again I feel the need to vent against some of my  tea party members, on both the state and local levels.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Save the Bird

To paraphrase a quote from a vice presidential debate many years ago: "I know Big-Bird and you sir, are no Big Bird." Of course that was what Lloyd Benson said to Dan Qualye when Qualye compared himself to John Kennedy. The question is, will either Joe Biden or Barack Obama use this line in an upcoming debate?

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

And The Lies Continue

I suppose I could go over my same old arguments about how the majority of people have absolutely no idea what the tea party really is, but then why bother since I am convinced that most people are like sheep who believe what they are told by the mainstream media.