Once again I have been thinking about the tea party movement and the direction it is headed, and what better place to write about it than right here on the Sturbridge Tea Party blog. At our most recent meeting this very subject came up, and as these things tend to do, it has been swimming around in my head. And considering the fact there are not a lot of hair follicles to stop things from swimming freely and allowing them to develop, you will now be privy to those thoughts.
We continue to hear the tea party movement vilified and attacked from all angles, we read how we are irrelevant and are bad for the country, the Republican Party, etc. etc. which only says one thing to me, they are still afraid of us. If they didn’t do this, then I would be worried.
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The other night we were talking about “Operation Tree Party” which is an effort we have started to replant trees in the communities which have been destroyed by the June 1, tornado. I am not going to get into why this is good for the tea party movement as a whole in this post, but one of the things we discussed was using the symbol of the “Liberty Tree” as part of our logo. The original liberty tree was in Boston and was a place where the local trouble makers would gather and discuss the issues of the day. It can be rightly argued this is where the seeds of liberty were sown. After the British got pissed off enough, they cut the tree down, but the funny thing is, the seeds of liberty were already sown. And tree or not, the damage, as far as the British, was done, the seeds of liberty were sown.
This is what I feel the tea party has done and continues to do here in this great country of ours. We have sown the seeds. Look at the whole debt ceiling thing, do you honestly think if the tea party had not been started and gotten people thinking about this stuff that we would be talking about it? No. It would be business as usual, or what used to be business as usual, and the buck would have passed and nothing would be accomplished. Our movement has preached, sometimes loudly in funny hats and costumes and holding handmade signs, the principles of our movement, fiscal responsibility, individual liberty, small government and strict constitutionalism. And people have heard.
These people, may not consider themselves to be tea partiers, they may not consider themselves conservatives or republicans, some of them may even be democrats, but they have heard and they have begun to think and to question what is going on in government. As the hippies used to say back when I was a young lad, “Question authority”, many people did that back then who weren’t hippies in the least, and this is true about what we are doing today, we are getting the message out.
I wrote another article (soon to be published I hope and yes I will provide the link so you can all view it and get those dollars rolling in) about how I think both the democrats and the main stream republicans are making a very huge mistake ignoring the tea party. We and those countless others who have heard what we are saying will be the ones who will make a difference in this next election. We proved it in 2010, and will again in 2012.Even here in Massachusetts the moon bat capital of the world we are making a difference. I remember being involved in Tom Wesley’s campaign, and how incredibly close he came to winning. Maybe the numbers weren’t all that close, but when you consider that ole Richie Neal hadn’t had to run a campaign since God knows when, it was close enough to make him actually have to work.
Those of you who know me, know I am not good at public speaking, some may say I am not good at public writing either, but be that as it may, my point is this: I am not giving up on the tea party movement, I am not letting the negativity get to me. I have a job to do, and whether or not I do it alone or with others it doesn’t matter, because I believe in what I am doing, and what is even scarier, I love what I am doing. I may not have a lot of readers, but it doesn’t matter, all I need is to convert one and I have succeeded.
This blog post has been brought to you courtesy of the In Your Face Tea Party Ministry, say Amen.
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