Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Operation Tree Party

As I have written previously in this blog, on June 1, there was a tornado which went through the western and central part of Massachusetts, claiming three lives and causing extensive damage to several communities. Many groups and organizations have come together to provide assistance such as temporary housing, food and clothing and debris removal. These are all good and necessary things which need to be done.

The co-founder, and the person we all know is really the heart of the Sturbridge Tea Party,  Jane Woodworth, asked her business partner, whose house was severely damaged in the storm, what they needed the most. He answer was somewhat unexpected. That answer? Trees. Thousands of trees have been lost, either uprooted, splintered or damaged so severely that they will have to be cut down. Replanting these trees is not covered by insurance. So with that in mind, the Sturbridge Tea Party, the Knox Trail Tea Party and the Sturbridge Rotary Club have banded together to form “Operation Tree Party”.

It is this group’s intention to raise money to purchase trees and then coordinate volunteers to plant these trees in the areas hit by the tornado. We are not talking just Sturbridge, but all the towns and cities where they are needed. Currently we are looking at planting these trees on Arbor Day weekend, 2012.

We could use your help. The first step is we are collecting donations since the trees need to be ordered by September. If you or your group or organization would like to donate, you can send us a check made payable to:  Operation Tea party, then mail it to:

Operation Tree Party 
PO Box 331
Sturbridge, MA 01566

We will also be looking for volunteers to help with planting, determining needs, logistics, etc. For that, you can email us at opteaparty@gmail.com.

Even though this is written on the Sturbridge Tea Party blog, this is a non-political, non-partisan effort. It is being done as a way to help our neighbors and friends, nothing more. We promise we won’t try to convert anyone to the tea party movement.

So if you can help, or know someone who can, please send us an email and we will contact you. Feel free to link to this post if you would like, and others which I am sure are to come. And watch this space as well as our Sturbridge Tea party website for more information.


  1. The Southbridge Disaster Relief team would love to work with you on this. For reals. We can argue about trannies later, if ever. This is way better.

  2. I got a call about this article inquiring whether the Tree Party covers all the towns the Sturbridge Tea Party covers - Sturbridge, Southbridge, Brimfield, Holland and Wales. I assured the caller that we did. I think it is pretty clear in your article but for some reason she missed that part.


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