Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Got some extra cash, we'll spend it

It's good to see that the state has collected more taxes than they anticipated, $723 million more in fact, so how long do you think it will take them to find something to spend it on? After all you don't think "Spend it all" Deval would want to hold on to it for, say a "rainy day", do you?
No, I am sure all those poor, underfunded, very important programs which had to be cut in the recent budget will all be lining up at the Governor's door with their hands out. You know the ones I am talking about, the one's "for the children" and the one's for the poor.

After all why should we keep it in case we have a short-fall next year? Maybe we can use it to make up some of the state aid to cities and towns so we don''t have to lay off all those cops and teachers we have been hearing about losing all year? But then why would we want to do anything sensible.

An even better idea would be instead of giving this money back to the cities or towns, or even to those programs "for the children" we could start a brand new program, something we would have to fund year after year for all eternity. If we do that, then the money would just continue to work in the state's economy, generating more and more government funded jobs and dependents.

Some times the answers are just so easy.

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