Sunday, February 12, 2012

It Really is for the Grandchildren

On a cold and windy Sunday, it seems the perfect time to once again remind everyone of what I (and many of my fellow tea party members) think about exactly what the tea party movement is all about.

As the national campaign season heats up, slowly it seems the opponents of the tea party are beginning to ramp up the anti-tea party rhetoric. Many think we have gone away, but alas, we are still here. As always, the left fails to grasp the fact that we aren't a political party in the true sense of the word, we have no platform per se, we have no leader. We are just ordinary folks (with a few extraordinary folks thrown in) who don't like certain things about the direction is going and are trying to change them.

Some of us, like me, never became involved in politics, leaving it to someone else to take care of us, and are now realizing there is a very real and scary chance that our generation will not be leaving a better, or even the same country to our grandchildren that we grew up in. Some think it is too late and we can't change it, I disagree.

My philosophy since i became in this movement has been that it all starts at the local level. While it is nice to aim high, it is really a matter of changing the culture of politics, and that starts at the local level. Once we get like minded people involved in local and state politics, the culture will begin to change. People like Peter Durant, and Keiko Oral are two recent examples. Justin Brooks from the Twin City group has announced he is running for State Rep, another one of us who can make a difference. These are the places we need to start.

Do any of us really have the time to get out there to work for change? Probably not. But can we afford not to? No.

I do have to say one thing though, when my head was in the sand regarding politics, I had a lot less headaches, but then, this truly is for the grandchildren.


  1. I think everyone in this movement is extraordinary. The trick will be to figure out how to use their talents to change the course of our nation.

  2. We need tea party members to get more involved locally. We need you help to protect the majority from the minority.


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