Sunday, February 26, 2012

How Many Smiley Faces Did You Get

I admit I am terrible about opening my mail. I figure I can't pay the bills anyway so why even look at them. Okay that isn't entirely true, but when I know something isn't a bill I tend to put it away until later. Today was later.

Yesterday I posted an article about Worcester signing on the "Smart Grid" technology program in, and talked about "Big Brother". Today as i opened the mail, I receive a notice from National Grid called a "Home Energy Report". Seems they have decided to compare my energy use with that of my neighbors. I used 6% less that the than my efficient neighbors, so take that.

Order your
propaganda from
That's the good news, seems I went from being the 11th most efficient to the 27th most efficient as compared to 100 of them. I didn't even know i was participating in this program, go figure. I am also over my target goal, which is for me to use 3% less than last year. If I meet my goal or go below it do I win some kind of prize? Do I get money back? If so, I certainly am not adverse to sabotaging my neighbors by running extension cords to their houses to run my lights.

Now I am assuming that each year they will revise my target downward by three percent from this years usage. I'm not a math major but wouldn't I eventually have to stop using electricity altogether? I mean, sooner or later, let's see maybe 33 years, I will be down to zero. Is this the ultimate plan? Should I buy candles now?

Of course this doesn't list my neighbors individually so it is hard to compare. After all since I have a smaller house than say those people over there, who also have kids, I am sure I use less then they do. And then there is the people behind me, I don't care how much electricity they use as long as he doesn't shut of the draft beer system he has in the bar.

So now I am wondering, should I start a neighborhood watch of some kind, like the old air raid wardens during WW2, and make people shut off their lights? Could I get a light blue UN helmet to wear and special powers conferred upon me by the United Nations?

Or does that come only after I get three smiley faces on my report, I have two now, how about you?

1 comment:

  1. I doubt I have any... And could care less... I pay my bill... Not that I don't shut lights off etc.. But my life style isn't the same as everyone elses.. How bout we regulate the power in those places where we foot the bill.. Public housing for one... Get my drift.. My family works hard .. I'll be darned if my freedom will be infringed on by those who will support more unemployment dollars and food stamps like It's a badge of honor..


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