Sunday, January 19, 2014

Time for a Change in Massachusetts Politics

This year could be the chance for Massachusetts voters to make a difference in how our state is managed, or mismanaged, depending on your point of view. This week we learned that Central Massachusetts' longtime State Senator, Steve Brewer has decided to retire which will certainly make it easier for the two announced republican candidates to gain the seat. Yes I know there is also at least one announced Democrat running as well but Anne Gobi is part of the problem.

Yes, Brewer has done a good job representing the citizens in his district, just ask all those folks he has helped get those nice government jobs with the nice pensions. Yes, I had the chance to use him to get me one of those jobs years ago if I had wanted to but I changed my mind. Yes another bad choice as I could have had a nice pension lined up but there was just something about doing that which struck me as so wrong.

Anyway, don't forget it has also been Steve Brewer and his democrat colleagues who have done the following:
  • Raised our taxes, including our infamous automatic gas tax increase.
  • Driven jobs away from our state through increased regulations and taxes.
  • Put Massachusetts at the top of the list of states people are most likely to move out of.
  • Created an unsustainable system for pensions for government workers.
  • Helped foster a culture of corruption, by supporting our governor, in many state agencies and through welfare fraud and abuse.
  • Given away our money on failed "green energy" projects, which are based on questionable science at best, and is promising to spend even more.
Need I go on?

I wrote about how Massachusetts has a awesome chance to change this culture in 2014, but only if they have the kahunas to do it. Unfortunately we have given so many entitlements to various groups, the uh hum poor, the unemployed who refuse to look for work, the government workers who want more and more with no way to pay for it, the faux disabled, that the democrats have almost guaranteed they will keep control of the state. And this week our governor actually lied to the voters on camera. Boston News, Weather, Sports | FOX 25 | MyFoxBoston

But I am an optimist. I truly believe there are enough people out there who are tired of giving their hard earned money to the state to throw away, totally unaccountable to anyone. 

We must get rid of the good old boy network, and bring intelligent, rational people to the table so we can have rational and intelligent discussion on important issues. It is time to leave all the emotions outside the door, we can not sustain the path we are on. 

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