I am listening to Mark Fisher, one of the Republican candidates running for Massachusetts Governor on Monday Night Talk on FM 95.9 and something he just said really disturbs me. He just made the statement that the state republican party has told him he will need $25,000 just to attend the convention where he would hope to get nominated. Again, I may have heard wrong and will need to listen again but still...WTF.
Now, I don't know much about the process, but he is making it sound like this is something new and if it is, I have to agree with him that it sounds like a ploy to keep select candidates out of the convention. I will re-listen to the podcast when it becomes available, after all I may be wrong, but unfortunately I do believe it.
The state party has their own agenda and ideas as to who will make the best candidates seeming to forget they have been wrong in the last major elections in this state. Can we say Gomez? The second Scott Brown? Charlie Baker? They haven't won, just like the national republican party, by backing candidates who continually lean left. Don't they understand that we need real conservatives to run?
Evidently I am going to have to look more into the process of electing delegates to the convention. It would seem to me with my limited knowledge that everyone should be allowed to attend the convention if they are duly elected and it shouldn't be that only the candidates with big money behind them who should be able to attend the convention.
I would love to hear your thoughts on this and also would love to receive any information on the process.
I believe there will be a podcast available of the interview on the 95.9 website in a few days if you would like to listen for yourselves. Here is the link to Mark Fisher's site as well.
Does not surprise me..