Thursday, June 27, 2013

Where Do We Go From Here

Now that yet another special election is over (in Massachusetts we certainly are special) what should be next for the Massachusetts Republican Party? What about the Tea Party?

We have heard that true, hard-core republicans can't win in Massachusetts. This is why we keep running more moderate candidates, some might even call them RINO's or Lite Democrats. "We need to be ore like the democrats" we hear. And so we have, and guess what? They ain't winning either.

So what should we do next? Keep doing the same thing? Or something different? Something hit me this morning, no, not my better half, but something about the election results. I noticed that in central MA Gomez did extremely well, as I mentioned in yesterday's post. What does this tell us? Maybe in this part of the state a "new kind of republican" might have a chance.

Don't get me wrong, I will never agree that Gomez is a real republican or a conservative, but he was somewhat successful here. He won in a place like Southbridge which in my opinion is highly unusual. This could be because of his heritage, I don't know but I certainly didn't expect it. As a member of the tea party movement, what I'll call the original movement not the various off shoots which have been corrupted by other interests, I think the movement can use this to our advantage.

I always have said that it is at the local level where we can make the most difference. Maybe it is time for republicans, to start finding more candidates like Gomez to run for the US House in some of these districts? Maybe, instead of spending all the money on districts we will probably never win, like the Boston area, or even the western districts, maybe we need to try to win in central Mass. Did we even run anyone against Jim McGovern in 2012?  Did we really think we were going to beat another Kennedy? And how about on Beacon Hill? Why not try the same thing in those races? Maybe central MA is where we need to concentrate, finding more O'Connell's, Durants, Kuros's and Fattman's to run.

We need to make some changes. Maybe we can learn from Gomez's loss. Maybe Republicrat's could stand a chance. A foot in the door is better than nothing.

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1 comment:

  1. so with all the tax cuts and reforms your party is looking to repeal what is your plan to fix this country?


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