Tuesday, July 10, 2012

All Quiet On The Sturbridge Front

Bet you all thought I was gone huh? Nope, you couldn't be that lucky. I haven't been able to go to any local meetings lately which means I either have to write on what is in the paper or make stuff up. Of course there are many who say what we read in the paper is made up anyway. But who am I to say.

I am also one who tries not to write sensational things just to write something or to get readers. That could be pretty easy to do but why risk losing any credibility? Wait, I think I lost that about the same time I lost my... umm never mind.

But then according to the Worcester Telegram I may have missed a good meeting of the Board of Selectmen last night. Seems the Building Inspector has gotten himself into some trouble. Who was it that said "I only know what I read in the papers"? Harry Truman maybe? No matter, I have to admit that anytime I read something like this I wonder where the complaints came from, what they were and what either the builder, land owner or building Inspector did to tick off the complainants. I am not saying they don't have legitimate complaints since we don't know what the are, it just would be nice to know the story behind the story.

Of course up here at the little house on the lake we all get along and there are never any problems. Well except the time that the neighbor over there built a little shed. Or the time that one on that side may or may not have shot at a dog. And there was the time, oh wait that was me, let's skip that one.

But here is the real issue with this story, the second to the last paragraph in the Telegram story:
Mr. Creamer countered that Mr. Suhoski was copied on every item of the correspondence dealing with the “three outstanding requests for information” forwarded to the building inspector. 
Now if I were a Selectman, which is why I probably will never run,, I would have said, "Shaun, maybe it's becasue they stop by your office first thing in the morning?"


  1. There has been some good drama the past few meetings. The grilling of the building inspector and Mr Suhoski this week. The prior week Selectman Dowling stormed out of the meeting. I dont know what led up to that happening as each time i watched it i got in after the incident. Its good to have a little excitement at times, keeps everyone on their toes. I was disappointing one evening as i was watching and after 45 minutes of discussion about people being eligible for some sort of award for community service type stuff i got disgusted and hit the sack. There are way more pressing issues than who get an official atta boy from the town.

    1. Unfortunately I don't have cable so the only way I can see the meetings is to personally go. And even though I know I should go, it is hard to get motivated.

  2. Maybe you should just make stuff up like the guy over at wally's blog does? Not really, you that is making stuff up. He just makes it up as he goes with no sense of what is really happening. At least here and at Creamer's blog folks get the truth and not wally's wild feelings.

    1. I would make things up but I have found that the truth is usually stranger than fiction.

  3. Things are getting a bit more exciting. The recreation trails master plan hearings are good stuff. A lot of money is potentially going to be spent.

    1. I couldn't make the last recreation trails meeting but hope to make the next one. I am down to only one reliable vehicle, the other is about dead, and my laptop has a major malfunction so I can't write as much.

      Hmmm, perhaps I could get some stimulus money??? $5,000 will take care of the problem.


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