Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Deval Patrick Does The Right Thing

Sorry I haven't been posting much, seems the notebook decided to take a little vacation, and since it would cost just as much to fix as to replace, I will eventually replace it. It is third in line after replacing one vehicle which also decided to take a dive and then another top secret project.
But since I am here, I will take some time to address one issue in our wonderful Commonwealth of Massachusetts. I am glad to see that our esteemed Governor, Deval Patrick has finally signed Melissa's Law, or the Three Strikes law. Finally he has done the right thing.

Of course it doesn't bring back Melissa or any other victim of someone who should have never been let out of jail, and certainly doesn't reverse any of the other bonehead moves he has made, but we will give him kudos for this.

Why would it take so long to do the right thing? I will never understand it. But then I will never understand how the people in this state could have actually reelected him to a second term. Of course these are the same people who have reelected people like Mayor Menino, John Kerry, Barney Frank, Jim McGovern, Richard Neal and of course anyone named Kennedy. In fact it is said that in certain elections some people have been voting for these people for over 100 election cycles. (think about that for a minute)

Let's hope in November the voters of Massachusetts will come to their senses and make some needed changes, especially at the state level. Two years ago we managed to get some new blood in the Statehouse with the election of some Republicans, let's see if we can add a few more this time.

And one more thing while I'm at it. I am not sure who said this, and if i wasn't so lazy I would look it up, but someone once said (Mark Twain or Will Rogers perhaps) "Reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated". The same can be said for the tea party movement. We are still out there and probably more focused than ever. So stay tuned.

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