Sunday, May 27, 2012

We Are Not Alone

While some will never admit it, we really are all in this fight together. Whether you want to call yourself a member of the tea party movement or not, we really are all on the same side.

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No, I am not talking about whether we need to reelect Obama or not, or even whether we should vote for Lizzy Warren, these aren't the important issues. As I have written time and time again, so I won't bore you with that again, the real issues facing us are the fiscal issues, and especially on the local level. It is my opinion that change will only start at the local level.

So it seems that taxes will be go ing up for our neighbors to the east of us here in Sturbridge. It looks like Southbridge will be raising their taxes to the maximum allowed limit for next year, at least according to a comment on another blog. And while I don't necessarily put a lot of stock in comments, I think it is a pretty safe bet this will happen.

I'll just throw this out there, but i am willing to bet that Southbridge isn't a whole lot different than Sturbridge in the whole tax and spend mentality. If they can raise taxes they will, and they will spend whatever they can. and the citizens throw up their hands and accept it. Unfortunately for Southbridgians, (Southbridgites?) they can do even less about it than those of us in Sturbridge. At least here we get to vote on our budget at the Town Meeting, in Southbridge it is only the Town Council which does the voting.

It is up to the voters of Southbridge to make the changes they need to in the Council. They need to support those candidates who are fiscally responsible and who won't raise taxes just becasue they can. I know there is an election coming up and I beleive there are races for some council seats, so it is time for the voters to be vetting the candidates and choose the ones with their interests in mind.

Another comment on the above referenced blog asked how anyone will be able to afford to live in Southbridge much longer. Simple. They won't which will leave them one of two choices, move away or join those who live off the government and then we will all pay for you. When the tea party movement began, this is what we were all about. Controlling spending, controlling taxes. Yes, some of our members have been co-opted and have been led astray from these original goals, but the rest of us are still fighting for this and will continue to do this. So taxpayers in Southbridge, at least one tea partier feels your pain and stands with you.

Oh, and by the way, don't reelect Obama or Lizzy.

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