Thursday, May 10, 2012

A New Reason To Raise Our Taxes

You just got to love the logic of the tax and spenders. Besides the usual whining about how teachers will have to be laid off and public services will need to be cut if there isn’t a Proposition 2 ½ override, we have something new.

In an article in we have this gem of a quote from Allan Chiocca, the Rockland Town Administrator:
“Our taxes are still fifth or sixth from the bottom in the state,” Chiocca said. “I think voters are recognizing the need for some investment in the community.”
Rockland certainly wouldn’t want to be at the bottom of the list for not getting enough of their residents money. Damn it people we want to be number one. Why should we let towns like Sturbridge and Southbridge have higher taxes than us? Think people, think!

The article also goes on to talk about other towns which need Prop 2 ½ overrides as well and we hear the same tired excuses.
“We need the ballot questions as soon as possible,” said School Superintendent Barry Rabinovitch. Otherwise, he warned, “some excellent staff will find jobs elsewhere or begin collecting unemployment as soon as school ends.”  - Wareham 
Fire Chief Jerome Thompson said the 17-year-old truck he wants to replace is in poor condition. “Last year, we spent $9,000 for unanticipated repairs on it, and it was out of service for 25 days,” he said. – Hanson
We never hear anything about cutting spending though do we? How about level funding the budget? If spending was kept the same as last year you could still raise taxes by the 2 ½% and have not need an override. I know, I know, we need to give everyone in the public sector their raises.

Of course there is always another option, we could just call all the spending “Community Preservation” and the state would give us free money. 

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