Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Surprise MA Dems Won't Lower Sales Tax

Here is some news I bet you didn't see coming, the Massachusetts House Democrats are refusing to lower the state sales tax. Do you need any better reason to vote them out in November?
According to an article in the Worcester Telegram the republicans tried to insert an amendment in the budget which would have reduced the current 6.25% sales tax to 5% over the next four years. Why would we want to stimulate the economy anyway? Oh wait, Tax them all Deval Patrick says everything is fine here in Massachusetts, why, he was even in town this week.

Wouldn't it be nice if just once we would actually lower taxes? Here is a unique idea, why don't we cut spending then we could lower the taxes? Or wait, I got it, why don't we reform the EBT system, you know the one we are told is working fine and which there is no abuse? "Nothing to see here folks, move along"

When will we get serious about cutting taxes and spending in this state? Remember, November is coming, let's continue to make the progress we did in 2010.

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