Saturday, March 10, 2012

The Writing on the Wall

I am sitting here on Saturday afternoon listening to an internet talk show when I really should be doing something else and was just struck by a thought. Scary huh that I actually think? Anyway a caller just mentioned how she had just recently began to pay attention to politics and is scared with what she sees.
How many of us are like that? I am somewhere in the second half of my century and until maybe two years ago I never was involved in any politics, I had the attitude of "Let someone else do it." And look what happened, we have the mess we are in now. So what do we do, is it too late?

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Right now, at least until November, we have the ability to vote for change, vote for the right people who won’t sell us out to the Socialists, Marxists and Communists, all under the Progressive banner, and reverse the current direction of the country. Why do I say until November? Because if we re-elect the current president, he will continue to screw up this country and bring us to a point,the magic 51% number, where we can’t turn back. Once 51% of the people are dependent on the government to live, they will never vote these people out.

It also wouldn’t surprise me if he manages to change the Constitution even more than he already has to find a way to become president for life. Don’t think it couldn’t happen. Again, once the magic number is reached, he could do pretty much anything he wants, he does it now. Look at the latest HHS mandate; he is ignoring the First Amendment by dictating to the Catholic Church what they have to do regarding contraception. If he wins this battle, he will use the same argument for taking away some other freedom, and on and on. I know, there are some of you out there who actually believe this is a woman’s health issue, it isn’t. The Catholic Church isn’t dictating to the government what to do.

It is time for us to make changes. This could be the last time we have a chance. I am not a conspiracist (one who believes in conspiracies in case I just made up a word) but I am a realist and can read the writing on the wall.

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