Friday, March 23, 2012

The Tea Party: Why we do it

As I look more and more into this whole Community Preservation Act in Sturbridge, once again I am reminded just exactly what the Tea Party movement is really all about. Forget what you read in the lame stream media or hear on television, the real tea party is in your own hometown.

I know sometimes I sound like a broken record broken record broken record but so many of us out there just don't seem to realize just how much control your local elected officials and boards over your life. You don't understand how much power these people have and how you, the people who have elected them can sometimes be at their mercy.

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Our Founding Fathers started this country to get us away from tyrants and government control over our lives but we have been led right back down that same road. No, I am not saying anyone in Sturbridge is a tyrant, but we should ask the question have we as voters and taxpayers lost control?

Many preach about government by and for the people and can quote you from the likes of Sam Adams, James Madison and Thomas Jefferson, yet they either choose to ignore or don't quite understand the idea of government for, of and by the people.

We have a whole boatload of elections coming up, local, state and national and it is time we hold our elected representatives accountable for their actions. We must constantly remind them that they work for us, not us for them. and the way to do this is very simple: VOTE THEM OUT! If you don't agree with them, then change things. It doesn't matter if they are Republican, Democrat or some other label, if they are not working for the people who pay their salaries, it is time for them to go.


  1. since only the voters at town meeting can spend money, how can "we" as taxpayers have lost control. "we" control it all in Sturbridge. people really should learn more about town meeting and how our government works.

  2. Really? Did voters at town meeting vote to spend all that money on those nice bricks?

    I know how the town meetings, whoever gets the most friends to come vote for their project wins. Funny how as soon as they get their question passed, they all leave and the rest is left to those who stay.

    1. Don't forget the selectmen decide the order of warrant articles. Is it a coincidence that some are early and some are late?

    2. As I have mentioned before I am not one of these people who think there is a conspiracy under every tree, I'm not, but it is interesting when you really take a look at these things there are things whch sure appear fishy.


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