Saturday, March 17, 2012

Another Obama Friday Surprise

Here's a surprise, the Obama administration has put through a statement on a Friday hoping no one is paying attention. This time it is on the HHS contraception mandate, which hasn't been changed to accommodate  religious objections as Obama promised.

Why is this important to the Tea party movement? Other than the fact that Barack Obama and his administration has consistently lied to America, this is an affront to religious liberty and freedom. This mandates violates the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, a document which the President has show time and time again, he has absolutely no respect for.

Of course since the mandate was first brought up on February 11, the left, as is their usual procedure has done everything they can to obscure the message, even changing it when they can. Look at how they have tried to get Rush Limbaugh off the air for his comments about the birth control poster child, Sandra Fluke. But it isn't working.

This is not a Catholic issue, it is not a Republican issue, it is not a Conservative issue and it is certainly not a woman's health issue, it is a freedom issue. With this mandate, the Obama administration is dictating to the Catholic Church, and don't worry it will spread to other institutions,  what they have to provide for their employees. For all the "separation of church and state" people out there, this is a perfect example of a total disregard for it.

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