Sunday, June 26, 2011

Will They Ever Listen

This is sort of a follow-up on a previous post, which seems to have generated some discussion in various forums. Somewhere on this blog site is a disclaimer which states the opinions expressed in this blog are those of the author and not necessarily those of the tea party movement or other members. Now that we got that out of the way...
I mentioned that our opponents don't understand the tea party movement. I mentioned a couple of reasons and explained one in a little more detail in a reply to one of the comments. The left or democrats or progressives and what some would call liberals, but us in the know understand that today's liberals are not liberals in the true sense of the word, have one major flaw. They feel that everyone has to be pigeonholed or labeled. If you believe one thing, then it naturally follows you must also believe a related thing.

For example in the reply I mentioned the abortion issue. According to the left, if you are against abortion, for whatever reason, you must be anti-woman's rights.If you are against same sex marriage you must be homophobic. And just the other day I wrote about the so called "Bathroom Bill" being considered in the Massachusetts legislature, which deals with transgendered people, so there fore I am against transgendered people. Of course when you try to explain that you can actually oppose something for perfectly rational reasons, which have nothing to do with any kind of fear, it is much like when you were kids and if someone didn't want to listen, they put their fingers in their ears and went "La la la la".

The problem with the left is they just don't want to admit that they have no idea what they are talking about. Every issue has a victim, someone has to be a victim. If you try to explain to them there is not victim, they can't understand it. For example, dealing with this transgender issue, the bill states pretty much that if a person on any particular day feels like a woman, they can use the women's facilities. The next day if the same person feels like a man, they can use the men's room. Why is this a problem (other than the obvious)? Because schools and public facilities will be forced to come up with solutions to this problem. And as we all know, especially here in Massachusetts, solutions are always expensive and we, the taxpayers, will have to pay for it.

But the left doesn't see it this way, because following my logic, there would be no victim, unless you count the taxpayers, which the left would never do. Perhaps someday the left will take their fingers out of their ears and actually listen to what is being said, but I wouldn't hold my breath.

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