Sunday, August 12, 2012

A Step in the Right Direction

As much as I would like to think it was because of my last post, which I am sure it wasn't, I am glad to see that the Board of Selectmen decided not to go ahead with the $600,000 re-do of Walker Road. At Monday's meeting they voted 5 - 0 not to go forward with the plan. As mentioned during the meeting, this money could be better spent elsewhere.

As an advocate (now there is a word I don't get to use every day) of fiscal responsibility, I certainly applaud this. Fiscal responsibility begins at the local level, if we look at our expenditures at the local level, question them and only spend on projects which make sense, maybe, just maybe, this attitude will trickle up to the next level.

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We need to question spending more than ever. What makes sense, where can money be best utilized? Looking at Walker Road for example, there were only five houses which were in favor of paving and reconstructing the road. While these residents certainly are entitled to a voice, this money would have only benefited the residents of one road, and then only half of them wanted it. At the meeting, it was mentioned that the money could be used instead for fixing the 80 year old Champeaux Road bridge, a project which would potentially benefit more residents. Although being 80 years old isn't a bad thing for people it isn't so good for bridges.

Fiscal responsibility is spending money wisely, it is looking at each and every expenditure separately and determining where we get the most for our money. It isn't always easy to decide which is the best project to spend on. There will always be differences in opinions as to which is a better use of money. I am sure those five residents on Walker Road think differently than those who use the Champeaux Road bridge, like those who want to see three million dollars worth of trails built in town think that is a wise use of money as well even there isn't really a good return on investment.

The point is, this is why we have public meetings. why these things are, and need to be, discussed. This is why we all need to be a part of the process. I know, I know, you didn't see me at Monday's meeting, but in my defense, I was also practicing fiscal responsibility, spend money on gas to attend the meeting or to get to work the next day in order to pay those taxes?

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