Saturday, January 28, 2012

Tennessee Tea Party Rewriting History

I have stated many times in the past that anytime one reads something these days you always have to consider the source. We all (yes, even me) have an agenda, and it can be hard to determine what is, to quote Fox News, "Fair and Balanced".
I found this story in a rather convoluted way, Opposing Views,, Huffington Post and finally "The Commercial Appeal" from Memphis Tennessee. It is no secret the middle two are definitely anti-tea party. I can't speak for the other two.

The right's view,
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I find it hard to believe that any true tea party movement would seek to legislate the rewriting of history, basically sanitizing it. In fact most are opposed to this practice which has been going on for at least the last fifty years by the Progressives of the world. Since the eighties, the dawn of the "politically correct" era in this country, people like the Howard Zinn's of the world have been doing just that, making every one a victim of the evil colonists which settled here.

The left's view,
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In reading the "Commercial Appeal" article, I don't get the impression that, as Salon and HP say, the tea party is trying to rewrite the history textbooks, but just want them to portray history as it is, they only seem to be saying they want it to accurately reflect the times and that some of the Founding Fathers did indeed own slaves, but they also attempted to outlaw it.

This appears to be a case of the left trying to twist the truth again, making the tea party look like, as quoted in one of the articles "rich white men who were pro-slavery". But then, we who are involved with the tea party movement, know better than this.

Editors Note: I have not been able to locate the actual bill to see what is says at this time.
Feel free to comment if you feel any differently, i would love to hear from you.

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