Saturday, January 28, 2012

Tennessee Tea Party Rewriting History

I have stated many times in the past that anytime one reads something these days you always have to consider the source. We all (yes, even me) have an agenda, and it can be hard to determine what is, to quote Fox News, "Fair and Balanced".

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Obama Doesn't Get The Economy

In last night’s State of the Union address, President Obama asked the question “But asking a billionaire to pay at least as much as his secretary in taxes?” Wouldn’t a better idea be to lower the secretary’s taxes to pay the same as the billionaire? (Full transcript here)

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Mitt Romney Releases Taxes - So What

Republican presidential contender, Mitt Romney, released his tax returns for 2010 and it brings up the question: So what? Do these returns show us anything we didn’t already know? The answer is no.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Here's Your Chance

Looking to make a difference in Sturbridge? Well then, how about running for one of the town positions which are open in town government? Nomination papers are now availablefrom the Town Clerk, and you only need 39 signatures from registered voters, preferably ones that are still living and you could have the chance of a lifetime.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

New Hampshire Primary Reflections

In a speech in South Carolina Wednesday, republican candidate Newt Gingrich made a comment basically telling people not to vote for any candidate just because the main stream media says they are going to win, instead vote for who you think is the best candidate to beat Barack Obama. Of course Gingrich thinks that would be him. Other than that the advice is good.